Castro Pérez, Roberto,

Social origin of contraceptive counseling practices by male doctors in Mexico / Roberto Castro Pérez. - recurso en línea (10 páginas).

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Contraceptive counseling by physicians plays a decisive role in the contraceptive choices of their patients. We studied male physicians’ contraceptive counseling and preferences in Mexico from a gender perspective. Specifically, through in-depth interviews with 31 male physicians working for public health institutions in Mexico, we examined reproductive health providers’ contraceptive practices and perceptions about men’s roles and responsibilities in reproduction. Through an interpretative analysis we identified the social processes involved in shaping contraceptive preferences. Of special importance are institutional and professional factors—related to prestige and economic concerns—framed by gender determinants which hinder the incorporation of practices that might contribute to gender equality in reproductive health. Thus, female contraceptive methods are preferred by physicians, and use of male contraceptive methods, especially vasectomy, is discouraged by them.

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Anticonceptivos--Salud reproductiva